Monday, May 13, 2013

Mò Li Huā

Here is a clip of children dancing to Mò Li Huā. It brings back memories of the Lunar New Year performance at DFES, only this one has some lovely fan and ribbon dancing. The jasmine flower song is sung many times during this performance in slighly different ways, so you will certainly come away from watching it with the words in your head!

hǎo yī duǒ mĕi lì de mò li huā
hăo yī duŏ mĕi lì de mò li huā
fēn fāng měi lì mǎn zhī yā
yòu xiāng yòu bái rén rén kuā
ràng wǒ lái jiāng nǐ zhāi xià
Sòng gěi biě rén jiā
mò li huā ya mò li huā


Literal Translation
What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone's family
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower

Poetic Translation
Flower of jasmine, so fair!
Flower of jasmine, so fair!
Budding and blooming here and there,
Pure and fragrant all declare.
Let me take you with tender care,
Your sweetness for all to share.
Jasmine fair, oh jasmine fair.

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